I was a little girl alone in my little world who dreamed of a little home for me.
I played pretend between the trees, and fed my house guests bark and leaves, and laughed in my pretty bed of green.
I played pretend between the trees, and fed my house guests bark and leaves, and laughed in my pretty bed of green.
- Dream, Priscilla Ahn
I don't think I have ever mentioned this before, but for the last couple of months I have been interning at the Flying Apron Bakery, in Fremont, Washington. And I have loved every single minute. It was without a doubt a dream come true. I was working in this wonderfully successful bakery without any outside experience, (except what I had learned in school). I started interning for my senior project at the beginning of October 2011 coming in two to three days a week and have been interning there for two days a week ever since.
My coworkers are wonderful people with incredibly kind hearts, I always leave smiling or laughing. :) Our baked goods are great, and oh-so-fun to make! The atmosphere and the customers are lovely and I have always felt so at home. Although, I am sad to say that because of my school schedule they no longer need me as an extra pair of hands on those two days during the week. But I have nothing to say but joyous things. I couldn't have asked for a better experience. If anything, working here has solidified my decision on what I am doing with my life after I am out and graduated from high school. As of right now, I am in the middle of my application to the C.I.A (Culinary Institute of America), and on my way to filling out a couple more applications to Culinary schools in my area.
I want to say so much more, but I also feel like if I do, I will constantly be repeating myself... :) What else can I say? I am so blessed and I am so grateful to have had the chance to experience what I have experienced. To all of my Flying Aprons, thank you, thank you, thank you so much. You will never know how much you have done for me. I am sad it is over, but I am so unbelievably happy, I don't know how to say it any other way. But thank you for all you have done. ♥
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