Saturday, June 30, 2012

Orange Spice Sipping Chocolate Review

Also known as Theo hot chocolate! :)

I've fallen in loooooove. Sweet, yummy dark chocolate loooooooove. Hot June? Say Whaat? Well here in Seattle, it's muggy, rainy, and icky. It seems like every sunny day we get, we're then punished with two more weeks of dark and rainy weather. I say, no bueno! Here's the scoop; this past week I've been babysitting my Culinary Arts Chef's daughter. :) And of course she has all of these fun and extremely cool foodie things. She had a container of it open, told me to try it, and I did and instantly fell in love with it, and she gave me an unopened container!! How sweet is that?
It's as thick as making your own homemade hot chocolate tends to be but you can also vary the thickness of it by how much chocolate you put into each serving too! Tehehe, well I wanted to express my love for Theo's Organic Orange Spice Sipping Chocolate and all of it's thick, chocolately loveliness it contains. :) It has 11 servings and is also fairly inexpensive!

One Serving calls for
1/2 cup milk (or any dairy alternative) heated in a small pot over medium heat until steaming
Then add 3 Tbs of the sipping chocolate (or more if you want it thicker), whisk that in
and then drink away! :)
Yum nom

(Theo picture borrowed from Fig and Walnut)

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